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FastGQL auto extends the schema using the @generate directive to add aggregation queries to the extended types. Aggregation results can be accessed using the _[fieldName]Aggregate field in the GraphQL query.

FastGQL supports the following aggregation operations: count, sum, avg, min, max.

Count Aggregate

query {
_postsAggregate {

Aggregate Filter

Similar to filter queries we can filter our aggregate queries to returned different results. The following example will count all posts that have a category with the id == 1 .

query {
_postsAggregate(filter: {categories: {id:{eq: 1}}}) {

Group By

Group by is used to group the results based on the given field. The following example will group all posts based on the NAME and return the count of posts in each group. We can GroupBy multiple fields by providing an array of fields, or a single field. The group field will be an object with the grouped fields as keys.

query {
_postsAggregate(groupBy: [NAME]) {