FastGQL Schema Fragment
While editing your schema, you might find it useful to include this GraphQL schema fragment. It sets up the definitions of the directives, etc. (like @generate) that you’ll use in your schema. If your editor is GraphQL aware, it may give you errors if you don’t have this available.
# ================== schema generation fastgql directives ==================
# ================== schema generation fastgql directives ==================
# Generate Resolver directive tells fastgql to generate an automatic resolver for a given field# @generateResolver can only be defined on Query and Mutation fields.# adding pagination, ordering, aggregate, filter to false will disable the generation of the corresponding arguments# for filter to work @generateFilterInput must be defined on the object, if its missing you will get an error# recursive will generate pagination, filtering, ordering and aggregate for all the relations of the object,# this will modify the object itself and add arguments to the object fields.directive @generate(filter: Boolean = True, pagination: Boolean = True, ordering: Boolean = True, aggregate: Boolean = True, recursive: Boolean = True, filterTypeName: String) on FIELD_DEFINITION
# Generate mutations for an objectdirective @generateMutations(create: Boolean = True, delete: Boolean = True, update: Boolean = True) on OBJECT
# Generate filter input on an objectdirective @generateFilterInput(description: String) repeatable on OBJECT | INTERFACE
directive @isInterfaceFilter on INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION
# ================== Directives supported by fastgql for Querying ==================
# Table directive is defined on OBJECTS, if no table directive is defined defaults are assumed# i.e <type_name>, "postgres", ""directive @table(name: String!, dialect: String! = "postgres", schema: String = "") on OBJECT | INTERFACE
# Relation directive defines relations cross tables and dialectsdirective @relation(type: _relationType!, fields: [String!]!, references: [String!]!, manyToManyTable: String = "", manyToManyFields: [String] = [], manyToManyReferences: [String] = []) on FIELD_DEFINITION
# This will make the field skipped in select, this is useful for fields that are not columns in the database, and you want to resolve it manuallydirective @fastgqlField(skipSelect: Boolean = True) on FIELD_DEFINITION
# Typename is the field name that will be used to resolve the type of the interface,# default model is the default model that will be used to resolve the interface if none is found.directive @typename(name: String!) on INTERFACE
# =================== Default Scalar types supported by fastgql ===================scalar Map# ================== Default Filter input types supported by fastgql ==================
enum _relationType { ONE_TO_ONE ONE_TO_MANY MANY_TO_MANY}
type _AggregateResult { count: Int!}
input StringComparator { eq: String neq: String contains: [String] notContains: [String] like: String ilike: String suffix: String prefix: String isNull: Boolean}
input StringListComparator { eq: [String] neq: [String] contains: [String] containedBy: [String] overlap: [String] isNull: Boolean}
input IntComparator { eq: Int neq: Int gt: Int gte: Int lt: Int lte: Int isNull: Boolean}
input IntListComparator { eq: [Int] neq: [Int] contains: [Int] contained: [Int] overlap: [Int] isNull: Boolean}
input FloatComparator { eq: Float neq: Float gt: Float gte: Float lt: Float lte: Float isNull: Boolean}
input FloatListComparator { eq: [Float] neq: [Float] contains: [Float] contained: [Float] overlap: [Float] isNull: Boolean}
input BooleanComparator { eq: Boolean neq: Boolean isNull: Boolean}
input BooleanListComparator { eq: [Boolean] neq: [Boolean] contains: [Boolean] contained: [Boolean] overlap: [Boolean] isNull: Boolean}